
Friday Faves: Gaudy Edition!

Merry Gaudy Christmas 2010!

Tonight is one of my most favorite nights of the year!
Gaudy Christmas!
Where my closest friends and I dress like total idiots the Christmas Elves that we are
and frolic through Lincoln Park for an evening of wonder!

I want to share with you my favorite findings of the week, 
but I'm also going to leave you with some greats of Gaudy past.
My camera is charging as I type so
to recap!

Hope you have a GREAT weekend!

How cute are these little guys?
Gingerbread cookies frosted like little penguins!
I love the bows!

You must go check out this guy's other work!
So rad.

Not exactly sure where I found this gem, but I'll have 100.

This is so not a find from this week, but I realized I've never posted it
and it seriously is the best thing thats ever happened to me.
What do I have to do to get Kristen Wiig at Gaudy?

And now, some gems of Gaudy Past:

Can't Wait!!!!

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