Word up!
Anyone else out there really looking forward to Thanksgiving
but feeling a little cramped for time with this short week business?
Just me? Great.
Besides my little craft projects,
I haven't shared what we've been up to lately,
thought I would do that today :)
Got my house feeling all cozy
the dogs were equal parts spazzy...
and sweet :)
Todd & I busted out the ol' Nintendo 64.
Don't even worry about it, I was peach & he was DK.
Worked on some party flare
Visited with Baby Flynn
and I've been prepping all my Thanksgiving treats this week!
I'll be sure to share with you!
Another fun thing I got to do last week
was go to my VERY FIRST
Stella & Dot Trunk show!
Obviously I'm familiar with the company,
but I had never been to a party!
My good friend Mandy hosted & the combo of her house
and those jewels made for a FABULOUS evening :)
Mandy & I collaborated ahead of time on some
...and may I just say they looked just a cute as all the jewels!
It was such a fun evening, even her little peanut, Grady, got in on the fun :)
They are running some FABULOUS deals until the end of the month,
just in time for the holidays!
As many things as I wanted for myself,
I kept looking around thinking
what great gifts they would all make!
Take a look for yourself here
So, thats all I got.
What have you been up to?
Big plans for Thanksgiving?