
Currently being inspired by...

Mint Green!

In honor of that all too delicious minty wonder that is the Shamrock Shake...

Here are some of my faves!

Chanel & their nail polish! I love it!
Find some for yourself here

Loved this chic little ruffled neck warmer.
Good work, Vital Temptation

Loving the Guch with a hint of mint!
Get it for a steal at Sale Vogue

Adorable! I have a purple cruiser, which one day I will paint green.
Until then, I'll have to pedal over to this site & look around.

Updated 80's much?
Me likey.
Found here

A mint chocolate themed baby shower!
Tiny Prints' blog has some great ideas!

How about trying this Shamrock Shake cupcake recipe

A little mint green in the home...
Also, give me that dog!

A little mint seems to only do a body good...

And I leave you with a homemade recipe for a shamrock shake.

1 comment:

Creativechaos said...

Love your site.
