
Currently being inspired by...


Much like plaid, you it either you love it or you hate it.
Can you guess how I feel about it?

Here are some of my faves:

Manolo Home posted these cutie patooties in a slew of other gingham finds.
Perfect for a summer picnic or just dressing up a dinner on the couch.

The always stylish Rachel Bilson rocking the casual look 
with help from our good friend, Gingham.

Todd would love these.
This Etsy artist posted these handkerchiefs 

Here is Todd, My cousin Zac and I in our 'staches on Christmas.

How about this ADORABLE table-scape!
Please note the oven mitts filled with pizza dough at every setting
as well as the pizza cake for dessert!
Thank you Bonnie Lane for posting this adorable find.

A perfect gift for your bridesmaids.
My sister gave all of us monogrammed bags at her rehearsal dinner
and I thought it was such a good gift.
Something we will definitely use again.
go here and order some in your color!

Here is Lizzy and her bridesmaids with their bags.

For the gents out there.
A perfect way to pair gingham.
go to Male style review for more tips.

A Gingham wedding?
Yes please!
Primma Donna Bride posted this lovely summer wedding.

perfect for a nursery!

I'm a sucker for white kitchens
and I'm a sucker for wallpaper
so this combo is lethal.
How perf?

A charm ing little way to identify your pet.
posted by this Etsy artist.

I smell a Valentine's DIY!
Paired with some homemade or freshly bought bread?
Print the labels and get other ideas here

Alright guys, check ya later.

Click here to purchase this MegMac card inspired by gingham

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