This is in memory of our dearly departed, Frank...and Oscar...
our two little beloved Betas. RIP boys.
On a lighter note, these puckered up playmates
are popping up everywhere
Here are some of my faves:
Yes Please.
Style Hive has the most perfect finds.
How about this endearing little beanie?
So cute, right?
Created by the Glitty Knitty Kitty.
Quirky much?
How adorable would these be to serve seafood on?
If I ever cooked seafood to serve...
I need a beach house so I have a reason to purchase such an item.
This is cool. I love that it's set up in a bathroom.
How fitting.
Good Work, Linda Barker.
Totally love this print.
Perfect for a nursery or pool house or bathroom or office or...
anywhere really.
Found it on where else, Etsy
Love her pose.
LOVE this fabric.
Check out her tutorial here
I can't wait to throw little kid parties.
Do yourself a favor
and check out this little
party on this awesome blog.
and last but certainly not least...
this terrific statement wallpaper!
God bless!
kiss kiss.